The following information is based on research and case studies provided by Steven Jung, Ph.D., co-inventor of the Tenda Heal bioactive glass technology.

When it comes to wound healing, we know what we need to succeed.

The requirements for wound healing are well known.

  1. Consistent and sufficient oxygen supply
  2. Proper nutrients, enzymes, and cells
  3. Possible debridement of non-viable tissues
  4. Moisture/edema/exudate control
  5. Limited to no pathogenic colonization

If we can achieve this, we will have excellent outcomes.

Bioactive Glass is safe, with a 50-year track record.

  • The concept of bioactive glass is not new, it’s primarily been focused on hard tissue regeneration since the 1970s.
  • Bioactive glass is used in a variety of human applications from dental grafts to orthopedic implants as an additive in toothpaste for tooth desensitization, and now for wound care.
  • Borate based bioactive glass compositions have passed all the ISO10993 testing required for biocompatibility and safety
  • Technology is U.S. FDA cleared for soft tissue injuries in humans.

Path to success is thru Bioactive Glass

Tenda Heal™ is based on a platform of bioactive glass technology

  • Bioactive glass is a biocompatible, and degradable material that bonds directly to living tissue.
  • Bioactive glasses bond to living tissue (hard and soft) and act like a scaffold for cells to build tissue.
  • As the glass degrades, ions such as calcium, copper, zinc, and boron release.
  • These ions are critical to many biological reactions in tissue repair.
  • Bioactive glasses are also beneficial for controlling pathogens.

Why Ions Matter

  • Boron has been linked to bone health in mammals
  • Animals given a boron deficient diet showed extreme skeletal deformation
  • It is a natural antimicrobial material, effective against gram negative and gram positive bacteria and also fungi
  • Vital in the health of muscular, circulatory, and digestive systems
  • Critical for bone formation
  • Regulates the contractions of muscles and vasculature
  • Chemical signal for blood clotting
  • Acts as a chemical signal for the recruitment of cells through chemotaxis (calcium gradient)
  • Zinc is an essential micronutrient
  • A co-factor in nearly every tissue, found in over 100 enzymes
  • Only metal in all enzyme classes
  • Zinc deficiency can lead to bone growth inhibition or delay
  • A cofactor for the formation of alkaline phosphatase. The greatest amount of zinc in bone is located in the layer of osteoid prior to calcification
  • Similar to zinc, structural and functional role in key enzyme systems
  • Key player in bone metabolism
  • The director element to stimulate endothelial cells to form a tube (angiogenesis)
  • Antimicrobial

How does Tenda Heal™ work?

  • The spray is a liquid extract from dissolving the glass ions
  • To get started, we need to control the pathogens and clean the wound bed
  • The spray should be applied first to start killing the bacteria and fungus that may be present
  • Tenda Heal™ spray has been shown effective against planktonic and biofilm caused by the following pathogens.
  • Eliminating the pathogens allows the healing process to progress
% Killing of Biofilm Bacteria (24 hours)
  • P. aeruginosa:100%
  • C. albicans: 100%
  • S.aureus:100%
  • A. baumannii:100%

*Study completed by Innovotech Inc.
**Data on file

Next, stimulating the healing process

This can be achieved by Tenda Heal cream or fiber

Tenda Heal™ Cream
  • The cream version is ideal for cuts abrasions, hot spots and sores
  • Works well on wounds that need moisture
  • Minimal adherence to cover dressings
  • Prolonged anti-infective and healing benefits due to bioactive glass constantly releasing ions
Tenda Heal™ Fiber
  • Fiber pad acts as a flexible scaffold material for more significant wounds
  • Phenomenal hemostatic properties (mimics blood clot)
  • Excels at filling deep wounds
  • Fiber structure can adsorb up to 5x its weight in moisture/exudate/edema (~50cc/pad)
  • Prolonged anti-infective and healing benefits due to bioactive glass releasing ions

Case Study – Injured Calf

*Injury caused by barbwire fencing

Day Prior to Treatment

2” deep, 3”wide, 5”long

Day 1

Dry wound bed, no debridement prior to treatment

Day 3

Moist wound bed, strong odor, colonized

Day 5

Non-viable tissue releasing from wound bed, no odor

Day 8

Non-viable tissue mostly released from wound bed, wound has filled

Day 12

Non-viable tissue released from wound bed

What Tenda Heal™ Provides

Bioactive glass is the ideal choice for wound healing

  • Consistent and sufficient oxygen supply
  • Proper nutrients, enzymes, and cells
  • Possible debridement of non-viable tissues
  • Moisture/edema/exudate control
  • Limited to no pathogenic colonization

This platform offers wound care solutions for every need and is a very forgiving method of treatment

Download Dr. Steven Jung’s TendaHeal AVMA Convention Presentation

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